
The Curse of Frankenstein


The Curse of Frankenstein
aka Frankensteins Fluch
Großbritannien 1957
Regie Terence Fisher

Aus dem offiziellen Programm:
Die Geburt eines Erfolgsteams - Fisher, Cushing, Sangster - und eines Mythos - der Hammer-Produktion. The creature created by man and forgotten by nature, lautete die Schlagzeile, aber nicht an Frankensteins Geschöpf waren die Filmemacher interessiert, sondern am Schöpfer selbst. Eine unerwartet subtile, radikale Analyse des modernen Menschen und des Fluchs einer moralischen Unabhängigkeit.
“I set out to write it with a variety of restrictions. Stay as far away as possible from any of the previous FRANKENSTEIN movies. This was because as soon as the project was announced, Universal started gnashing their teeth and threatening to beat us to death with their legal cuddles. Never mind that the original Mary Shelley novel was in public domain. (…) Restriction number two in the scripting was, as in most Hammer projects, to do with the budget. We’ve only got ten cents to spend, so keep it tight. (…) Villagers cost money, so eighty-six the villagers. (…) Have as few locations as possible, and certainly no more than thirty minutes’ drive from the studio. No special effects please, and not too large a cast. Oh yes, one other thing, design the script so that the director can shoot it in four weeks maximum.”


Retrospektive Jimmy Sangster 1998



The Curse of Frankenstein
  • 7.7/10 3
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